
Bonney Forge Cast Steel Globe Valve

Bonney Forge Cast Steel Globe Valve is a durable and reliable valve manufactured from cast steel for superior strength and durability. It features a tight shutoff, easy installation, and a variety of end connections for maximum flexibility. Bonney Forge forged steel valves and fittings are used in a variety of applications, from water and gas industries to the chemical, petrochemical, and power generation industries.

SKU: BF-GV1 Category:


Bonney Forge Cast Steel Globe Valve is a durable and reliable valve manufactured from cast steel for superior strength and durability. It features a tight shutoff, easy installation, and a variety of end connections for maximum flexibility.

This valve is suitable for medium to highpressure systems and is designed to handle a variety of applications from water, steam, oil, and gas to corrosive fluids. It is designed with a superior sealing system to ensure consistent performance and leakfree operation. The valve is designed to meet all applicable industry standards and is suitable for longterm use.

Bonney Forge Saudi Arabia

Bonney Forge is a leading manufacturer of high-quality forged steel valves and fittings. Founded in 1876, Bonney Forge has over 140 years of experience in the production of quality forged steel products. Their products are designed to meet a wide range of industrial and commercial applications, ensuring that they are reliable, durable, and safe. Bonney Forge forged steel valves and fittings are used in a variety of applications, from water and gas industries to the chemical, petrochemical, and power generation industries.


Alyamitech is a Saudi Arabian distributor company specializing in HVAC products, valves, gauges, other industrial instrumentations, pumps, signages and MEP Tags, signs products. The company is based in Dammam. We are official distributor of Winters Instruments Products in Saudi Arabia. We also distribute products from Flamco Group, Grundfos, Maplef, Mifab, Wilo, Envotec, Ariston, Vimco and other HVAC and industrial products. Read more